Africa free bible distributes bibles all across Africa

Help us with your donation to spread the Good News to all of Africa.

It can take only one moment to change a life

We give free bible to Christians, Individuals, Churches, missionaries and businesses.

For every $5 donated, you help provide approximately one full bible in Africa

We focus on Bible distribution in Africa where everyone gets a Bible free.

About Africa Free bible

About us

Africa Free Bible is a well registered (2022/9371547661/07) Christian interdenominational organization with only one mission and goal to spread the good news of our lord Jesus Christ in Africa by distributing free bible to the individual, Christians, churches, and businesses.


Africa free bible was founded in 2009 in Pretoria, South Africa by evangelist Baudouin Madia Manima after discovered that many believers and Christians in Africa cannot afford to buy a bible due to poverty, unemployment, lack of infrastructure, languages matter, wars, discrimination, and that made the organization to open its way of operation to offer free bible to millions of individuals and Christians in Africa.

Our Vision

Our main goal to see every soul in Africa to be saved and come to knowledge of the true word of God

Our Mission

We are committed with all our efforts and the resources in our hands through your donation and generosity support to bring and distribute free bibles to millions of Christians and individuals in Africa.

We are a Non-Profit

Africa Free Bible is a registered nonprofit organization that give free bibles to all.

What we do

  • We are distributing free bibles to the individuals and Christians in different languages in the African Region.
  • We distributes bibles for free to the villages.
  • With our hospital and prison team we bring free bibles to the patients and prisoners.
  • Proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the homeless by providing also with a gift of a bible.
  • Africa free bible do the service of bibles transportation and distribution in any part of Africa.
  • We donate free bibles to refugees and displaced people’s centers.

Our fund comes from various sponsors, individuals, donors, businesses and organizations who value the gospel of Jesus Christ and taking God as number one in their lives.

Become our partner now

Use your generosity by supporting the advancement of Gods Kingdom in Africa.

Join our International partners

Donate monthly for the extension of the word of God to all the corners of our planet.

Your monthly seed will spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world and also save sinners from devil kingdom

Be free to email us once after joining our international partners to welcome you By this Email:

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Anyone can donate by going to the Donate Page.

All our contact details are on the Contact Page here.